Keep Our Democracy Healthy


Help Keep Our Democracy Healthy


Voting is one of the most fundamental ways to voice your opinion on issues you care about the most.

You can’t cast a ballot in an election unless you first register to vote! Registering to vote is easy to do, but requires you to take action, usually in advance of Election Day. At the Democracy Health Initiative, it’s our mission to connect you with the resources you need to get ready to cast your ballot. Election Day is approaching quickly. Now is the best time to get registered and make your plan to vote.

Pledge to Vote

Election Day will be here before you know it. Are you ready? Take the pledge now to register and cast your ballot.

Get Registered Today

Registering to vote is easy to do, but requires you to take action, usually in advance of Election Day. We’ll help you register TODAY.

Are You a Student?

You may still be eligible to register using your school address, or update your voter registration to your school address.

Don’t Miss Your Chance

Did you know that your voting status is public record? Don’t let your friends and neighbors down by staying on the sidelines in this election. Take a few minutes today and get registered to cast your ballot!